Angels Among Us 2024

Battlin' for Bob

There is always, always hope.

After an unexpected seizure in April 2008, my dad was diagnosed with aggressive grade IV brain cancer. By witnessing his journey of living with a brain tumor I became increasingly aware of the enormous burden of fear, anxiety, pain, and helplessness felt by people with cancer and their loved ones. 

My dad was one of the most positive people I have ever known. Even through his own battle with cancer, when he had so much to complain about, he smiled instead. He was happy to be alive, and he had a passion and enthusiasm for living that shone even in dark times. 

Our dad fought as hard he could, but on September 25, 2009, eighteen months after being diagnosed, we lost him. Brain cancer did take his life, but we refuse to say that it "won". There is so much hope in the research being done at the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center, in the hearts of the patients still battling this disease with everything they have, in the love and compassion that families, friends, doctors, nurses, and staff have for these patients, and there is hope in events like Angels Among Us.


We will keep "Battlin' for Bob"

I miss his never-back-down attitude. I miss Sunday morning breakfasts and his genuine smile. I miss playing catch with him in the backyard, his encouragement, and being wrapped up in his big hugs. I miss hearing him make my mom laugh, and watching him and my brother rooting for the Green Bay Packers together. I miss all these things and more, but I look forward to a day when no family will have a loved one taken from them by cancer. 

Angels Among Us is an event that inspires and uplifts. It’s a time to honor and remember loved ones who have passed on, and a time to encourage those still battling. I know if Dad were still here, nothing would stop him from taking part in Angels Among Us. He would have been an encouragement to everyone around him, and that's why the goal of Team Battlin' for Bob is to encourage and lift up those patients and families who are still battling brain tumors.


We hope you will consider joining us this year at Angels Among Us or by making a financial donation to our team. Every little bit is appreciated!


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