2025 Angels Among Us 5K & Walk for HOPE

Our Angel Michelle
Our Angel Michelle

Michelle's Lobe Trotters

Dear Family and Friends,

It will be 7 years in June since our beautiful Michelle went to be an Angel in heaven  Not a day goes by without profound sadness over her loss  Michelle was loved by all  Last year her brother and sister in law had a new baby girl She was named Sofia Michelle after her aunt  Michelle would have been so thrilled to see her  Her other niece and nephew who were only six when they lost her talk about her all the the time and miss her so much  They were very close  

We are grateful for all those who donate in Michelle's memory  We pray our small contribution helps the cause to irradicate GBM from ever hurting another family  We all must do what ever part we're able to to help in this cause  

Thank you all for your generosity and prayers  

Love you all and blessings to you and your families

The Rubino Family 

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