Who can attend the consortium?
The consortium is open to patients, family members, caregivers, and anyone interested in learning the latest clinical advances in the treatment of melanoma.

Where is the consortium?
The symposium will take place on Friday, May 16th in the Trent Semans Center - Great Hall. Breakfast will be available at 9:00am. The presentations will begin at 9:00am and finish at 12:15pm.

Where should I park for the consortium?
Parking is available in the Duke Medicine Circle Parking Garage, located at 302 Trent Drive. This parking deck is a short walk from the Trent Semans Center for Health Educaton. This deck charges $2 per hour, and a maximum of $8 per day.

Special Access is available to those who are unable to walk longer distances. You may drop off guests at the lower level of the Trent Semans Center for Health Education, just outside of the Great Hall. There are steps and a ramp for guests at this entrance.
From Trent Hall (Duke Global Health Institute), travel West on Erwin Road.

Turn LEFT on Research Drive, continue through the roundabout on Research Drive.
Turn LEFT on Coal Pile Drive.
Turn RIGHT into the circle at the Trent Semans Center for Health Education.

Where is the money going?
This event will raise funds for Duke Cancer Institute's Skin Cancer and Melanoma disease group. Skin cancers represent the most common group of all malignancies, including melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and merkel cell carcinoma. The funds will go directly to supporting research, education programs, and patient care programs.

Why should I support Duke?
Our Melanoma disease group is at the forefront of treating these cancers. We also have expertise treating merkel cell carcinoma and advanced forms of other skin cancers. Through multidisciplinary care, education, and research, our physicians are helping improve the survival and quality of life of patients. Our program participates and leads the most ground-breaking clinic trials, are national leaders in research, and have a reputation for providing excellent patient centered care.

I want to be a sponsor, who do I contact?

Please email Susan James at skg17@duke.edu.

What is The Duke Cancer Institute's tax identification number?
Our tax identification number is 56-0532129.

May I make a donation by check?
Yes! If you prefer to mail a check, add "Hilliard Seigler Melanoma" in the memo section and send your check made payable to:
Duke Cancer Institute Development Office
Box 300 West Morgan Street
Suite 1000
Durham, NC 27701
Attn: Annette Henderson 

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