Treating Lung Cancer at Duke Cancer Institute

Duke Cancer Institute’s Thoracic Cancer disease group is nationally recognized for its innovative, aggressive and personalized approach to detecting and treating lung cancer, the leading cause of death from cancer in the U.S.

Our multidisciplinary group is investigating lung cancer through basic, translational, and clinical research. A wide variety of clinical and research projects are being led by our thoracic surgical oncologists, medical oncologists, and radiation oncologists, as well as basic scientists, population scientists, pulmonologists, and radiologists.

Our nationally ranked lung cancer program can guide treatment decisions for the newly diagnosed or those seeking a second opinion.

Our lung cancer experts in Raleigh and Durham treat more patients than any other center in the country, offering more treatment options and better care, while striving to improve our patients’ quality of life.

Our thoracic oncology surgeons are national leaders in minimally invasive surgical procedures. As a result, patients experience less post- operative pain and recover more quickly. We perform more than 1,600 minimally invasive surgeries every year on all types and stages of lung cancer.